
Consumers ‘quick fix’ for information

As stated in one of my other blog posts, the use of mobile phones has increased dramatically – as has advertisement spending for the platform. However, another interesting statistic has popped up which correlates with the increased use of Snapchat, Instagram and Vine. This is the fact that consumers are far more visually engaged and like to consume content faster than ever.

Vine is becoming more and more popular

Vine is becoming more and more popular

What does this mean for marketers? In a nutshell, it illustrates the fact that consumers want content which is quick and easy to view on their mobile device. Things like Vines and quick YouTube advertisements are perfect examples of this. However the issue is, how do marketers relay information in such a short period of time?

Answer to that is relevancy. Advertisements need to become more relevant and “honed in” on specific target markets. There is no longer a “one size fits all” policy when it comes to marketing, as consumers are becoming far more picky and now also have the tools to filter information they deem irrelevant. The current trend is showing that short, relevant and personable ads are far more effective than some traditional forms of media.

Going back to my first point about mobile phones, the Australian Bureau of Statistics state that over 90% of adults have their phone within arms reach at any given time. This means on the train, waiting in line and even on the toilet, consumers are using their phones or have them near. The trend in short videos or infographics correlates with this, because time and attention is limited when waiting in line or on the train.

Using smartphones on the train

Using smartphones on the train

Ultimately, digital marketers need to start creating content that is easy to ‘digest’ for consumers. Content that can be opened and viewed in less than half a minute. Utilising platforms such as Instagram and Vine is a good start to take advantage of the trend of short and easy to consume content.

Have you guys come across any images or short videos which really struck a chord? Feel free to share them here.

Internet Celebrities

Snapchat has exploded.  A platform seemingly impossible to advertise on is becoming more and more saturated with celebrities or people with a lot of followers to endorse products. The days of going on the app to see what your friends are up to are dwindling, and it’s becoming more with seeing what Sedgy Fergo is up to tonight and whether or not she’s going to her FAVOURITE club, Blue Velvet in Newcastle.

The app is slowly turning into marketers utilising people with a decent following to endorse products or places, much like what’s happening with popular instagram accounts. As a result, these new celebrities are being born under the guise of still being “untainted” by the corporations. Dan Bilzerian and Jen Selter are the most popular instagram celebrities who post the products they used or recently purchased to their mass of followers. It is unknown whether or not organisations such as Nike are behind the accounts and pay them, but one things for sure – they reach millions of people daily.

Dan Bilzerian's instagram post

A Dan Bilzerian post, showcasing his products

This is what marketing is turning into digitally. The consumer is becoming fed up with advertising and advertisements and will find ways to block them, hence the popularity of AdBlocker. Companies are looking for other ways to engage their audience and are using an age old tactic of endorsement. It happened to sports such as soccer in the 70’s and 80’s and now it’s happening to people who have a large following on social media. People are getting paid to simply make give aways on their youtube channels, flaunt their new watch they were given on instagram or let people know where they’ll be a certain night to build hype for the venue.

Swifty Giveaway

A Popular YouTuber’s giveaway

Essentially, it’s traditional marketing with a digital twist. My question is: how does this affect your browsing of youtube or instagram? Do you really care about advertising if it’s non invasive in the form of giveaways or photos on instagram accounts?